Cleaning and arranging a garden
1,700 kr
1. One Flower Bed, 10 x 1 m (attached photo: bed nr. 1) : - get rid of flowers and weeds - move, and lay, the 38 stones at one side of the bed to a place in the garden, ca. 35 m apart. Take out 5 blocks at another side of the bed 2. Four flower beds (bed nr. 2, 3, 4, 5). For each one, - get rid of a tree, weeds and two poles - take out 15 - 19 blocks around the bed 3. One flower bed (bed nr. 6): - get rid of flowers, but not a tree, and take out 34 blocks around the bed 4. One flower bed (bed nr. 7): - get rid of flowers, but not a tree, and take out blocks around the bed 5. One flower bed + lawn (bed nr. 8), 28 x 1 m: - lay blocks taken out from the above beds ,1 – 6, and some other blocks stacked in the garden at the side of 28 m. length - lay some blocks taken out from the bed nr. 7 at the side of 1 m. length and get rid of the rest of the blocks 6. Get rid of the blocks stacked in the garden (bed nr. Garbage.) Some blocks will be used for the flower bed + lawn. Some other blocks will be left in situ. A chains saw and branches cutting machine will be provided if required.