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10,000 kr


Project Title: Translation of a Product Manual Description: You are tasked with translating a 10-page user manual for a coffee machine from English into Spanish. The manual includes technical instructions, safety precautions, and troubleshooting guides. Your goal is to ensure the translation is accurate, culturally appropriate, and easy for Spanish-speaking users to understand. Steps to Complete the Project: 1. Analyze the Source Text: Read the entire manual in English to understand its structure and content. Identify technical terms and jargon. 2. Create a Glossary: Prepare a list of key terms (e.g., "brew button," "filter basket," "power cord") and their Spanish equivalents to maintain consistency throughout the translation. 3. Translate Section by Section: Translate each section while keeping the tone professional and user-friendly. 4. Proofread and Edit: Review the translation to ensure grammatical accuracy, proper terminology, and cultural appropriateness. 5. Format the Translation: Ensure the layout matches the original manual, including diagrams, headings, and bullet points. 6. Deliver the Project: Provide the final translated manual in a format similar to the original (e.g., PDF or Word document). --- Project Deliverables: Spanish-translated product manual (10 pages) Glossary of technical terms (English and Spanish)

Opsætning af markedsføringskampagne i facebook buisness for en akupunktur klinik

3,000 kr


Du skal står for driften af markedsføring på facebook, af min klinik. Opsætning af nye kampagne med tekst og billeder i samarbejde med mig. Du skal have erfaring med meta buisness og gerne erfaring med at skrive salgstekster. Jeg søger et længere varende samarbejde hvor opgaverne variere efter behov for ny kunder hos mig. En studerende eller et praktikforløb er også muligt.

Writing a short report (by electrician/with CVR) for cause of failure on thermostats

800 kr


I have few wireless thermostats at home that have suddenly become defective, with their screens no longer displaying information correctly. The thermostats are Uponor Smatrix Style T-169 model. I need an electrician or craftsman (with CVR and expertise in this field, e.g., Fjernvarme VVS) to see the thermostats ( it can be over a video call for couple of minutes) and provide a a short written report of the root cause of the issue. Possible causes could include lightning , a short circuit, or other technical faults and that is enough(A small written text is sufficient) I need this report to send it to my insurance company. Please note: I can handle purchasing and replacing the thermostats myself; this task is to write a small report of the cause of the malfunction. Photo of the defective thermostats(their screens) are attached for reference , this issue occurred almost simultaneously, even though they are installed in different rooms and connected to the base via Wi-Fi.

Translation job

18,000 kr


Project Title: Translation of a Product Manual Description: You are tasked with translating a 10-page user manual for a coffee machine from English into Spanish. The manual includes technical instructions, safety precautions, and troubleshooting guides. Your goal is to ensure the translation is accurate, culturally appropriate, and easy for Spanish-speaking users to understand. Steps to Complete the Project: 1. Analyze the Source Text: Read the entire manual in English to understand its structure and content. Identify technical terms and jargon. 2. Create a Glossary: Prepare a list of key terms (e.g., "brew button," "filter basket," "power cord") and their Spanish equivalents to maintain consistency throughout the translation. 3. Translate Section by Section: Translate each section while keeping the tone professional and user-friendly. 4. Proofread and Edit: Review the translation to ensure grammatical accuracy, proper terminology, and cultural appropriateness. 5. Format the Translation: Ensure the layout matches the original manual, including diagrams, headings, and bullet points. 6. Deliver the Project: Provide the final translated manual in a format similar to the original (e.g., PDF or Word document). --- Project Deliverables: Spanish-translated product manual (10 pages) Glossary of technical terms (English and Spanish) Contact me if you’re interested*******

Translation jobs

20,000 kr


Project Title: Translation of a Product Manual Description: You are tasked with translating a 10-page user manual for a coffee machine from English into Spanish. The manual includes technical instructions, safety precautions, and troubleshooting guides. Your goal is to ensure the translation is accurate, culturally appropriate, and easy for Spanish-speaking users to understand. Steps to Complete the Project: 1. Analyze the Source Text: Read the entire manual in English to understand its structure and content. Identify technical terms and jargon. 2. Create a Glossary: Prepare a list of key terms (e.g., "brew button," "filter basket," "power cord") and their Spanish equivalents to maintain consistency throughout the translation. 3. Translate Section by Section: Translate each section while keeping the tone professional and user-friendly. 4. Proofread and Edit: Review the translation to ensure grammatical accuracy, proper terminology, and cultural appropriateness. 5. Format the Translation: Ensure the layout matches the original manual, including diagrams, headings, and bullet points. 6. Deliver the Project: Provide the final translated manual in a format similar to the original (e.g., PDF or Word document). --- Project Deliverables: Spanish-translated product manual (10 pages) Glossary of technical terms (English and Spanish) Contact me if you’re interested: *

Translation job

30,000 kr


Translation of a Product Manual Description: You are tasked with translating a 10-page user manual for a coffee machine from English into Spanish. The manual includes technical instructions, safety precautions, and troubleshooting guides. Your goal is to ensure the translation is accurate, culturally appropriate, and easy for Spanish-speaking users to understand. Steps to Complete the Project: 1. Analyze the Source Text: Read the entire manual in English to understand its structure and content. Identify technical terms and jargon. 2. Create a Glossary: Prepare a list of key terms (e.g., "brew button," "filter basket," "power cord") and their Spanish equivalents to maintain consistency throughout the translation. 3. Translate Section by Section: Translate each section while keeping the tone professional and user-friendly. 4. Proofread and Edit: Review the translation to ensure grammatical accuracy, proper terminology, and cultural appropriateness. 5. Format the Translation: * * 6. Deliver the Project: Provide the final translated manual in a format similar to the original (e.g., PDF or Word document). --- Project Deliverables: Spanish-translated product manual (10 pages) Glossary of technical terms (English and Spanish) Contact me if you're interested *

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  • Lønnen for en spansk oversætter kan variere afhængigt af flere faktorer, herunder erfaring, uddannelsesniveau, geografisk placering og arbejdsmiljø. Generelt set kan en spansk oversætter forvente at tjene mellem 200 og 500 kroner i timen. Det er dog vigtigt at bemærke, at disse tal kan variere betydeligt, og nogle oversættere kan tjene mere eller mindre afhængigt af deres specifikke omstændigheder.

  • Lønnen for en spansk oversætter på en platform som Handyhand kan variere afhængigt af flere faktorer, herunder kompleksiteten af opgaven, længden af teksten og den tid, det tager at fuldføre opgaven. Generelt set kan en spansk oversætter forvente at tjene et beløb mellem 100 og 500 kroner per opgave på Handyhand. Det er dog vigtigt at bemærke, at priserne kan variere afhængigt af konkurrencen på platformen og den enkelte oversætters erfaring og ekspertise.

  • I mange lande er der ikke et krav om autorisation for at arbejde som spansk oversætter. Dog kan det være en fordel at have en formel uddannelse eller certificering inden for oversættelse for at vise ens faglige kompetencer og kvalifikationer. Autorisation kan være påkrævet i visse specialiserede områder, såsom rets- eller medicinsk oversættelse, hvor præcision og nøjagtighed er afgørende. Det er vigtigt at være opmærksom på de specifikke krav og standarder i det land, hvor man ønsker at arbejde som oversætter.