Lukas S.
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"Lukas hjalp mig med video redigering. Kan havde metodefrihed og viste sin kreativitet samt han var lynende hurtig og effektiv:)"
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"Lukas hjalp mig med video redigering. Kan havde metodefrihed og viste sin kreativitet samt han var lynende hurtig og effektiv:)"
Aalborg SV
København K
"Marc er en dygtig og professionel hjælper.jeg er kampe tilfreds med hans arbejde"
København N
"Super flot service fra de kom til de gik⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️"
"Hurtigt og effektivt ordnet😊"
Allette har med stor sans for detaljen udført en transkribering af 2 interviews for mig til en projektopgave. Allette er super sød og meget imødekommende og leverer som aftalt, selv inden for meget kort tid, som der var til min opgave.
Transkribering af 2 interviews 108, 5 min i alt
Jeg er meget tilfreds med Senior's arbejde. Hurtigt og effektivt.
Oversættelse af tekst fra dansk til kinesisk, Alternativt opringning til kinesisk virksomhed
Alt var som det skulle være.
Teksten kommer først, når man begynder at scrolle ned på
Meget samarbejds villig og god forståelse for det ønskede
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Flytning af 150 kvm hus til Roskilde fra København
Beskæring af 4 større træer
IT support
Geninstallering af windows + programmer
Installation af Sonos musikanlæg i hus
Ugentlig rengøring af lejlighed (114kvm)
Flytning af 150 kvm hus til Roskilde fra København
Opsætning af lamper i stue og soveværelse
3-retters menu til 14 mennesker
10,000 kr
Project Title: Translation of a Product Manual Description: You are tasked with translating a 10-page user manual for a coffee machine from English into Spanish. The manual includes technical instructions, safety precautions, and troubleshooting guides. Your goal is to ensure the translation is accurate, culturally appropriate, and easy for Spanish-speaking users to understand. Steps to Complete the Project: 1. Analyze the Source Text: Read the entire manual in English to understand its structure and content. Identify technical terms and jargon. 2. Create a Glossary: Prepare a list of key terms (e.g., "brew button," "filter basket," "power cord") and their Spanish equivalents to maintain consistency throughout the translation. 3. Translate Section by Section: Translate each section while keeping the tone professional and user-friendly. 4. Proofread and Edit: Review the translation to ensure grammatical accuracy, proper terminology, and cultural appropriateness. 5. Format the Translation: Ensure the layout matches the original manual, including diagrams, headings, and bullet points. 6. Deliver the Project: Provide the final translated manual in a format similar to the original (e.g., PDF or Word document). --- Project Deliverables: Spanish-translated product manual (10 pages) Glossary of technical terms (English and Spanish)
Opsætning af markedsføringskampagne i facebook buisness for en akupunktur klinik
3,000 kr
Du skal står for driften af markedsføring på facebook, af min klinik. Opsætning af nye kampagne med tekst og billeder i samarbejde med mig. Du skal have erfaring med meta buisness og gerne erfaring med at skrive salgstekster. Jeg søger et længere varende samarbejde hvor opgaverne variere efter behov for ny kunder hos mig. En studerende eller et praktikforløb er også muligt.
Writing a short report (by electrician/with CVR) for cause of failure on thermostats
800 kr
I have few wireless thermostats at home that have suddenly become defective, with their screens no longer displaying information correctly. The thermostats are Uponor Smatrix Style T-169 model. I need an electrician or craftsman (with CVR and expertise in this field, e.g., Fjernvarme VVS) to see the thermostats ( it can be over a video call for couple of minutes) and provide a a short written report of the root cause of the issue. Possible causes could include lightning , a short circuit, or other technical faults and that is enough(A small written text is sufficient) I need this report to send it to my insurance company. Please note: I can handle purchasing and replacing the thermostats myself; this task is to write a small report of the cause of the malfunction. Photo of the defective thermostats(their screens) are attached for reference , this issue occurred almost simultaneously, even though they are installed in different rooms and connected to the base via Wi-Fi.
Translation job
18,000 kr
Project Title: Translation of a Product Manual Description: You are tasked with translating a 10-page user manual for a coffee machine from English into Spanish. The manual includes technical instructions, safety precautions, and troubleshooting guides. Your goal is to ensure the translation is accurate, culturally appropriate, and easy for Spanish-speaking users to understand. Steps to Complete the Project: 1. Analyze the Source Text: Read the entire manual in English to understand its structure and content. Identify technical terms and jargon. 2. Create a Glossary: Prepare a list of key terms (e.g., "brew button," "filter basket," "power cord") and their Spanish equivalents to maintain consistency throughout the translation. 3. Translate Section by Section: Translate each section while keeping the tone professional and user-friendly. 4. Proofread and Edit: Review the translation to ensure grammatical accuracy, proper terminology, and cultural appropriateness. 5. Format the Translation: Ensure the layout matches the original manual, including diagrams, headings, and bullet points. 6. Deliver the Project: Provide the final translated manual in a format similar to the original (e.g., PDF or Word document). --- Project Deliverables: Spanish-translated product manual (10 pages) Glossary of technical terms (English and Spanish) Contact me if you’re interested*******
Translation jobs
20,000 kr
Project Title: Translation of a Product Manual Description: You are tasked with translating a 10-page user manual for a coffee machine from English into Spanish. The manual includes technical instructions, safety precautions, and troubleshooting guides. Your goal is to ensure the translation is accurate, culturally appropriate, and easy for Spanish-speaking users to understand. Steps to Complete the Project: 1. Analyze the Source Text: Read the entire manual in English to understand its structure and content. Identify technical terms and jargon. 2. Create a Glossary: Prepare a list of key terms (e.g., "brew button," "filter basket," "power cord") and their Spanish equivalents to maintain consistency throughout the translation. 3. Translate Section by Section: Translate each section while keeping the tone professional and user-friendly. 4. Proofread and Edit: Review the translation to ensure grammatical accuracy, proper terminology, and cultural appropriateness. 5. Format the Translation: Ensure the layout matches the original manual, including diagrams, headings, and bullet points. 6. Deliver the Project: Provide the final translated manual in a format similar to the original (e.g., PDF or Word document). --- Project Deliverables: Spanish-translated product manual (10 pages) Glossary of technical terms (English and Spanish) Contact me if you’re interested: *
Translation job
30,000 kr
Translation of a Product Manual Description: You are tasked with translating a 10-page user manual for a coffee machine from English into Spanish. The manual includes technical instructions, safety precautions, and troubleshooting guides. Your goal is to ensure the translation is accurate, culturally appropriate, and easy for Spanish-speaking users to understand. Steps to Complete the Project: 1. Analyze the Source Text: Read the entire manual in English to understand its structure and content. Identify technical terms and jargon. 2. Create a Glossary: Prepare a list of key terms (e.g., "brew button," "filter basket," "power cord") and their Spanish equivalents to maintain consistency throughout the translation. 3. Translate Section by Section: Translate each section while keeping the tone professional and user-friendly. 4. Proofread and Edit: Review the translation to ensure grammatical accuracy, proper terminology, and cultural appropriateness. 5. Format the Translation: * * 6. Deliver the Project: Provide the final translated manual in a format similar to the original (e.g., PDF or Word document). --- Project Deliverables: Spanish-translated product manual (10 pages) Glossary of technical terms (English and Spanish) Contact me if you're interested *
Translation job
20,000 kr
Project Title: Translation of a Product Manual Description: You are tasked with translating a 10-page user manual for a coffee machine from English into Spanish. The manual includes technical instructions, safety precautions, and troubleshooting guides. Your goal is to ensure the translation is accurate, culturally appropriate, and easy for Spanish-speaking users to understand. Steps to Complete the Project: 1. Analyze the Source Text: Read the entire manual in English to understand its structure and content. Identify technical terms and jargon. 2. Create a Glossary: Prepare a list of key terms (e.g., "brew button," "filter basket," "power cord") and their Spanish equivalents to maintain consistency throughout the translation. 3. Translate Section by Section: Translate each section while keeping the tone professional and user-friendly. 4. Proofread and Edit: Review the translation to ensure grammatical accuracy, proper terminology, and cultural appropriateness. 5. Format the Translation: Ensure the layout matches the original manual, including diagrams, headings, and bullet points. 6. Deliver the Project: Provide the final translated manual in a format similar to the original (e.g., PDF or Word document). --- Project Deliverables: Spanish-translated product manual (10 pages) Glossary of technical terms (English and Spanish)
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Casestudie skrivning er en metode til at undersøge og analysere et specifikt emne eller problem. Det indebærer indsamling af data, udførelse af forskning og præsentation af resultaterne i en struktureret rapport. Formålet er at forstå og beskrive virkelige situationer, identificere løsninger og lære af erfaringer. Casestudie skrivning bruges ofte inden for forskning, uddannelse og erhvervslivet for at undersøge og evaluere forskellige scenarier og træffe informerede beslutninger.
Casestudie skrivning kan hjælpe virksomheder ved at give dem mulighed for at analysere og forstå specifikke forretningsproblemer eller succeshistorier. Det kan hjælpe med at identificere effektive strategier, lære af fejltagelser og træffe informerede beslutninger. Casestudier kan også bruges til at demonstrere virksomhedens ekspertise og tiltrække potentielle kunder eller investorer.
De vigtigste elementer i en casestudie inkluderer en klar problemformulering, relevant dataindsamling, en grundig analyse af dataene, identifikation af løsninger og anbefalinger samt en konklusion baseret på resultaterne. Det er også vigtigt at inkludere en beskrivelse af casens kontekst og eventuelle begrænsninger.
Der er flere måder at indsamle data til en casestudie. Man kan bruge interviews, observationer, dokumentanalyse og spørgeskemaer. Interviews giver mulighed for dybdegående information, observationer tillader direkte observation af adfærd, dokumentanalyse giver indsigt i tidligere begivenheder, og spørgeskemaer kan give kvantitative data. Valg af metode afhænger af casestudiets formål og forskningsspørgsmål.
En casestudie kan struktureres og organiseres ved at følge en klar plan. Start med en indledning, der beskriver formålet og problemstillingen. Derefter indsamles og analyseres relevante data og informationer. Herefter kan man præsentere og diskutere resultaterne, og til sidst konkludere og komme med anbefalinger. Det er vigtigt at have en logisk og sammenhængende struktur, der gør det nemt for læseren at følge med og forstå casestudiet.
Typiske priser for professionel casestudie skrivning varierer afhængigt af flere faktorer såsom kompleksiteten af casestudiet, længden, deadline og den professionelle forfatters erfaring. Generelt kan priserne variere fra 500 til 2000 kroner per side. Det anbefales at kontakte forskellige skrivetjenester for at få præcise tilbud baseret på dine specifikke krav.